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Guide: Staff Guide to Reading Lists: Best Practice

Best Practice

  • Provide a clear structure to the reading list - e.g. resources split up into weeks of the module, topics or required/additional resources to help students prioritise their reading.
  • Be clear if there are key texts or materials used throughout the module which the students might consider purchasing.
  • If there are core/recommended resources for particular weeks, which chapter from a book should be read/which web document is a priority to help students plan their work.
  • Work with the Library to ensure where possible reading list material is available electronically either with an e book/article or a digitised chapter/article so that all students can easily access the material.
  • Carefully consider the number of items on the reading list,  particularly core material, that you are expecting students to read/view - these need to be a realistic number of items for students to read or with notes to help students understand the priority items.
  • Additional reading/resources for those students who have time and wish to do more research into their topic. 

Example List:

Best Practice (Image)

© geralt (2013), CC0


If you have a question regarding any of the information on this guide:



References for images included within this guide:

geralt (2013) Hook, Check, Mark, Yes, Consent, Done. Available at: (Accessed: 15 June 2021).