This page reflects the most common questions asked about ORCID iDs.
If you have other questions not answered below, please send them to - it doesn't matter how small or trivial it may seem, there's probably someone else wondering the same thing too!
(1) How can I check if I've already got an ORCID iD?
If you try and register with the same email address as an existing ORCID iD, you will be asked to log in rather than to register a new ID. You can also search the ORCID registry by using the 'Advanced Search Function' (link below) before you register for a new ORCID iD if you think that you might already have signed up for one.
(2) I can't remember my ORCID password - should I just register again?
If you can't log into your ORCID iD, you can use the 'Reset Password' link (link below) to get your password reset. If you no longer have access to the email address that you used to create your ORCID record, the ORCID support team can help you regain access. Don't create another iD as duplicate ORCID iDs will cause problems in maintaining your record.
(3) I've got two ORCID iDs - what should I do?
As the point of the ORCID iD is that it is unique to you, it is best to try to make sure that you only register once. If you do find that you have duplicate records, contact 'ORCID Support' (link below) to resolve the problem. As ORCID identifiers are designed to be persistent, obsolete identifiers are deprecated rather than being deleted. If someone tries to access a deprecated record, they will be redirected to the primary active record.
(4) What happens if I move to another job or institution?
Your ORCID iD belongs to you and so you keep the same ID throughout your career. If you move to a different post or institution you can update your ORCID iD with the new information. Make sure that you add an alternative email address as it is likely you will lose access to your previous institutional one.
(5) How do I control the privacy of the information in my ORCID record?
Researcher privacy is a fundamental principle of the ORCID organisation. The owner of the ORCID iD has full control over the privacy settings of their own record. Information in your record can be marked Public, Private or only available to a trusted party. Find out more about 'privacy settings' and ORCID's privacy policy (link below).
(6) How can I check or change what permissions I've granted to trusted organisations?
You can check and change the permission settings within your profile by signing in to your ORCID account and then checking the Account Settings. You will see a list of all the trusted organisations and how you allow them to interact with your ORCID iD. The permissions that you have granted and the date that you authorised them will be shown in the Trusted Organisations table. If you want to revoke access to any third party, click on the bin symbol and the trusted organisation will no longer be able to interact with your ORCID iD.
(7) How much information do I have to add to my ORCID profile?
It is entirely up to you as the owner of the ORCID iD to decide how much information is added and how much of this is publically visible. As a minimum, it is advisable to add variants of your name, some keywords about your research area and your current affiliation. This will help others make sure that they have the correct ORCID iD if they are trying to discover your work. It is also advisable to add additional email addresses (not shown publically) so that you can always access your ORCID account.
(8) What do I do with my ORCID iD now that I've got one?
Once you have an ORCID iD you'll be able to use it during manuscript submissions (lots of manuscript tracking systems support ORCID), for grant applications and to aid reporting via Researchfish. Many systems now offer ORCID as a sign on method. In addition, you can add your ORCID iD to your website,social media, CV, email signature and business cards. There is a widget that you can use to add a box with your ORCID information to your website. Go to the 'ORCID Sign In' page (link below) and you'll find the option: Share your ORCID iD on other websites. Copy the code to add a box to your website.
(9) Who manages my ORCID record?
You have sole control over your ORCID account once you have claimed.
(10) My ORCID is private information, isn't it?
The IDs assigned by ORCID are designed to be publicly available. The ORCID will be freely available along with your name. This is so you can be associated with your publications and they can be attributed to you. Beyond that, you choose which information you want assign as public or private by managing the settings in your personal ORCID account.
(11) What if the details that display from the account are incorrect?
You are able to login to your ORCID account, and change any details you need to.
(12) What if I already have an ORCID iD?
If you already have an ORCID iD, congratulations! But please let us know by emailing
(13) Will my ORCID record populate automatically with my research outputs?
You can select from many organisations to populate your profile with information from their records. With your permission, ORCID will import articles from Scopus, Europe PubMed Central and CrossRef, among others.
For additional FAQs, please see the 'ORCID FAQ' page (link below).
If you have other questions about ORCID that are not covered in this guide, or need help with setting up your ORCID iD and profile, please email on
We are also able to offer short talks on ORCID to research groups, teams or smaller groups of researchers - to arrange one, contact the details above.
'ORCID Help Pages' (links below) are there to assist you if you want to find out more about how to manage your ORCID iD:
Many thanks to Karen Rowlett of University of Reading Library for allowing the re-use of content from her ORCID LibGuide: