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Guide: Copyright: Staff Digitised Extract Service


SRUC pays for The Copyright Licencing Agency (CLA) Higher Education Licence.  It is not a general copyright licence but  it allows Library staff  to legally make PDFs of book chapters, journal articles and conference papers available on Moodle for registered students.

Unless scans are made under the licence or  through direct agreement with rights holders or due to copyright being expired or covered by a third party licence, they are likely to be illegal.

The Library provides a digitised extract service to ensure that articles and book chapters loaded onto Moodle comply with the licence.  This service includes checking that required book chapters and journal article are covered by the licence, making the scans, adding the necessary cover sheets to scans and undertaking the reporting requirements of the licence. 

The CLA have a right to undertake an audit on Moodle to check our compliance with the licence.

Scanning under the CLA HE License

What can be copied ?

Under the Licence, print and electronic book chapters, journal articles and conference papers can be scanned and made available on Moodle provided: 

  • The library owns a copy of the book,  journal, or conference proceedings
  • The material has been published in the UK or in overseas countries where the CLA have an international mandate.

What cannot be copied?

  • Printed music (including the words)
  • Maps and charts
  • Newspapers
  • Workbooks, workcards or assignment sheets 
  • Publishers and authors on the CLA excluded publisher list

How much can be copied?

For a module the following amounts can be copied from publications

10% of the total publication OR

  • 1 chapter from a book
  • 1 journal article
  • 1 conference paper
  • 1 whole law report from a volume of judicial proceedings
  • 1 short story, poem or play (not more than 10 pages) from an anthology

Who can these copies be made for?

Copies can be made for registered students to support their course of study.

Requesting a digitised extract

To request a digitised extract please complete the 'Digitised Extract Request Form' below, and send to:

Copyright (Image)

© TheDigitalArtist (2020), CC0

Can I request more than one chapter from a book?

If you wish to request more than one chapter from a book, we can make a request to the rights holder and find out the cost.   Rights holders will not necessarily agree to a request and can take time to reply.  Please allow plenty of time for this. 

What if my request is not covered by the CLA License?

If your request is not covered by the CLA Licence the Library can 

  • Check if an e version of the material is available to purchase at a suitable price
  • Contact the rights holder to ask permission to use their material
  • Suggest alternative reading material

How do students access scans?

Once a scan has been created, the Library will add the link to the scan on the relevant online reading list.  If there is not already an online for that module, Library Staff will create on and in liaison with the lecturer add this to the Moodle module.  Students can then access the scan from the reading list.

Under the Licence agreement scans need to be in a secure environment and only accessed by students on the course they were scanned for.


References for images included within this guide:

TheDigitalArtist (2020) Copyright, Protection, Legal, Property. Available at: (Accessed: 15 June 2021).