Welcome to the 'Access to Materials from Other Libraries' Guide.
You will find information here relating to SCONUL Access, and the Edinburgh Reciprocal Borrowing Sheme; and the Edinburgh Libraries Passport.
This scheme allows staff and some categories of students to access resources at participating institutional libraries. Each institution decides what they will share with Sconul Access users - please ensure when registering that you are aware of limitations.
The scheme is free to join but not all SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries) members have chosen to participate. A list of participating libraries is available when filling in the Application Form linked in 'How to Register' below.
To join the scheme:
Phone in advance, or check the individual library’s website for the most recent information on opening hours and local policies. Some libraries may only be able to complete your registration during office hours, or at certain points in the term. Many also require a passport-sized photograph.
You will need to print out your approval email and your SRUC ID card. Borrowing entitlements are set by individual institutions.
© kaysgeog (2013), CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
The University of Edinburgh and SRUC Edinburgh offer a reciprocal borrowing scheme that allows students and staff registered at SRUC's Edinburgh campus to borrow material from the Edinburgh University libraries.
Students and staff registered at SRUC's Edinburgh campus can apply for external membership with the University by completing an application form - available from staff in the SRUC Edinburgh library.
SRUC borrowers will be able to borrow up to 5 items from any of the University's participating library sites (University class & departmental libraries are not included in the agreement and external membership will not include access to electronic resources).
'Edinburgh Libraries Passport' (link below) is a card which tells the library you are visiting that you are a genuine information seeker and that your special requirements cannot be dealt with by your own library. The scheme has been devised by ELISA (Edinburgh Library & Information Services Agency) an organisational network for the libraries and information services in the City of Edinburgh.
More than 20 library services in Edinburgh are linking up to give you access to a vast range of information and resources, for the full list see the Edinburgh Library Passport website. For more information, please contact our Edinburgh library.
References for images included within this guide:
kaysgeog (2013) Edinburgh University: Old College Quadrangle. Available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/23351536@N07/8595244753/ (Accessed: 9 October 2019).